Friday, October 31, 2014


As many of you may know, I enjoy a good reality show.  I don’t know what keeps drawing me to them, but they are a guilty pleasure.  I stayed with shows like Jersey Shore to the bitter end.  I’m one of the few that still watch the Real World.  I have watched Buckwild, Party Down South, The Challenge, Bachelor Pad, Bachelor in Paradise, and so many more.  So when I saw the preview for Slednecks I knew I had to give it a chance.

Slednecks is a lot closer to Buckwild than any of the other shows.  The editing is nowhere near what Real World, Jersey Shore, or Party Down South brings to the table.  And for those who have seen even a second of any show in the Bachelor franchise you are aware that they are the gold standard even if they are restricted with content due to being on ABC.  Slednecks follows a group of friends around Wasilla Alaska.  After 90 minutes I don’t know a whole lot about the people on the show.  What I can tell you is there is a dysfunctional couple, Kelly (guy) and Sierra,  that spend most of the episode fighting and one upping each other.  Kelly gets drunk; most of the episode, at one point asks two girls why their clothes are still on?  Sierra gets mad and says, “Why did you ask those girls to get naked, right in front of me.”  Sierra hangs on a guy at the club, Kelly leaves with another girl, Sierra confronts girl and calls her a slut.  Later Sierra steals Kelly’s shoes.  Then I learned what vaselining is, apparently it will not come off windows.  Kelly and the guys put Vaseline all over Sierras Pathfinder.  Another plot during the show is Kelly trying to get his clothes and couches.  He is unsuccessful in his attempts.  Sierra then takes his couch and clothes to a rock quarry to blow them up.  Amazing.

One girl Jackie is from an Inuit tribe.  She is ultra conservative but likes to drink.  At one point her, Kelly, and Trevor make signs to put on the road.  They carry a couch out to the street.  They sit on the couch drinking beer.  The signs say. “Honk and we’ll drink.”  One I am thoroughly shocked none of my friends and I ever thought of doing this on our own. 

There was a strange story line with a guy named Zeke who just got out of jail for too many speeding tickets.  Apparently he has 65 of them.  One of his stories was one of the other guys talking him into being a male dancer for money.  His other story was he asked one of the girls out on a date.  He double booked so he took the girl on a dinner date to the club he was going to dance at that night.

Kelly and Trevor work at a sled boat shop.  The owner needs subtitles so you can understand what he is saying.  At one point Trevor challenges another guy on the show to a tug of war.  He says that his sled boat will pull the others guys Chevy all over the lake.  The lake is frozen.  The loser has to shave their legs and wear a dress.  The sled boat takes off at first, but once the chains on the Silverado dig in it drags that boat all over the lake.

The only other person I remember from the show is a guy named Big Mike.  All I know is he has long hair and spent most of the episode hanging out with the girls.  The girls also did a Wild Girls of Alaska calendar shoot.  Of the 8 girls who did this photo shoot, only 3 were girl’s guys would pay money to hang their picture on a wall.  I remember my cousin telling me about Alaskan girls.  He was stationed in Homer for a few years.  He said, “There is Alaska hot, and lower 48 hot.”  An Alaskan 10 to my understanding might be a lower 48 5.  The only other think I know is what my dad told me from when he lived there while working on the pipeline.  He said, “Don’t go home with one of the Russian girls or you may end up married.

As it is with most reality shows, the first episode makes it hard to tell whether it will be good or not.  One gimmick they kept doing was showing the temperature.  We get it, it’s cold in Alaska.  I don’t need to know its 6 degrees, I can see the snow.  Oh the other term I learned while watching was, tundrawookie.  From what I can tell it means a hairy girl.  I will probably watch another episode or two before I make my actual decision to keep watching or not.  For now, the hook of Alaska and rednecks is enough.

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