Friday, August 19, 2011

Comedians and Freedom of Speech

I am sitting in a training room proctoring an exam. Is there a better way to pass the time then by typing a blog? I say no. On a quick note this day of training sucks because I literally sit here and wait for people to finish taking their exam, but today is especially terrible because it’s a Friday and I’m going to be here until 5pm. Anyways I have some friends who have been asking for a blog so I figured I would try to come up with something. If it sucks I blame them.

I read this week that Adam Carolla was in trouble with GLAAD and the LGBT again for some comments he made at a Comedy Club and on his podcast that they found offensive. More than likely the comments were offensive but I’m going to venture out and say that the people who found it offensive do not subscribe to his podcast or pay money to go to his shows. While the Aceman made a comment about trannies during his show he also regularly talks about how Gay Marriage should be legalized. (As he says on his show he wants it legalized so they can all shut the hell up.) While I think he mostly states that last part as a joke he still supports the cause and I bet GLAAD or the LGBT never mention that when they are complaining about him making slanderous comments. Plus if you listen to his show you can easily argue that there are other groups of people who have a bigger complaint when it comes to Carolla’s comedic prejudices. I mean we all watched the Man Show back in the day it’s not really a surprise that he makes these comment.

But the bigger issue here is why comics can’t go on stage anymore and make outrageous jokes like they used. I mean it’s not like I get offended when Chris Rock or Eddie Griffin make fun of white people. If someone doesn’t think they are funny then they shouldn’t listen to them or pay money for their shows. But why should comedy suffer as a whole. Why is it ok for people to crack wise on people from West Virginia, Dumb Blonde, or Rednecks all the time but the minute you make a black joke or a gay joke its offensive. To be honest all of the jokes are playing on a stereotype and are equally mean spirited.

Lately we have all heard about Tracy Morgan’s issues with his standup act while making anti-gay comments or jokes about disabled people. Both of these situations I wouldn’t really put in the category of the situations in the previous two paragraphs but in both situations Tracy has issued apologies. Does this mean that every time a comedian makes fun of a specific demographic that they will need to apologize? Is that what it has come to in this society?

I listen to Adam Carolla on a regular basis. From time to time he will go on rants about religion and whether or not there is a God and making fun of the people who believe. I consider myself a Christian and I go to church most Sundays and yes at times I think the line is crossed. But at the same time a lot of it is funny and some of the people he is joking on I agree with. But he has never made a comment that has made me want to stop listening to him. If that’s all he ever talked about on the podcast maybe I wouldn’t listen but that’s only because it’s not entertaining to me.

I think it has gotten to a point where these groups that spend their time complaining about what a comedian, pro athlete, or an public figure has made in public to the media they are stepping over the lines. In grade school when kids would complain about everything someone else said or go to the teacher with something people called them a tattle tale and that nobody liked a tattle tale. Even parents tell their kids to mind their own business. To an extent isn’t this the same thing. Can’t people just ignore people they don’t agree with anymore? Does it have to make the nightly news?

Oh well just something I was thinking about the other day. If you don’t agree that’s fine you don’t have to that’s why it’s my opinion.

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