This weekly award might possibly turn into a weekly awards post but for right now it will just be the one award until I come up with some other ones to give out.
I heard the story about Paris Hilton getting arrested in Vegas for possession of coke. It doesn’t surprise me that she uses any form of illegal substance. What stuck out in this story to me was her claim that she thought the cocaine was bubble gum. If I was the arresting officer I would’ve given her a stick of gum and said snort this up your nose then tell me what this really is in your purse. I could be wrong but I’ve never seen gum come in a powdery form there is usually a powdery substance on the gum, but as a whole it is usually rectangular in shape. Sometimes gum looks like chew, tape, or even cigarettes but never seen it in a powder. On top of her ridiculous claim of cocaine being bubble gum she then changed her story multiple times. If you do decide to lie you should stick to the same story. Anyways while thinking of a name for this weekly award and trying not to name it after any of the other similar awards like the Darwin Award or the Dumbass Award (pronounced Dumas), I decided that the original recipient of this award should bear that honor and will from hear out call this the Paris Hilton Idiot of the week award.

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