Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The Flooding of the Nile

Lets Party! This weekend my friends threw a party. The fields were fertile and the seed was sown. The theme was Egyptian and costumes were warned. There was need for celebration because the famine was over and the people would hunger no more. Nobody needed to worry if friends were going without anymore. The people of Egypt were once again happy and satisfied and fulfilled. The party was a great time and I’m really thankful for the friends I have because I can’t think of anyone else who would go through a quarter what my friends went through to put on the part this weekend and for the reason the party was thrown. If you don’t know why the party was thrown I apologize but you’ll just have to guess.

The afternoon started with everyone getting into Pharaoh like costumes and one person dressed as Boutros Boutros-Ghali. Some of my friends are very clever. Once costumes were on the guests arrived by passing through one of the Great Pyramids and were greeted with a glass of sangria. If you are wondering how a Pyramid was imported to Falls Church…it was built but no stone or mud was involved. We started with some games of V King and Can Jam. Then around 5:15 there was a surprise. An unfamiliar woman had shown up to the party. My first instinct is that she is a stripper. Boy was I wrong. The woman was a belly dancer come to show us some traditional Egyptian dances. At one point she taught us a dance each move had to do with a Kabob. When she said Chicken we swung our hips to our left and when she said Onion we swung our hips to the right. Then she would say Pepper and we would stick our back sides out and when she said BEEF we would thrust forward. So we practiced moving our hips all over and laughing every time we practiced BEEF. The next day we walked around saying Beef –Pepper, Beef-Pepper.

After the Belly dancer left we ate dinner which was followed by a ceremony. By this time of the night most of us were pretty intoxicated. I will tell you the parts I remember. At this time I was given a Pharaoh’s hat to wear and told to take my shirt off. The next thing I remember is the girls were rubbing body paint all over my stomach, chest, and back. Then everyone brought sacrifices to throw in the fire to honor me. I can only imagine what people thought if they saw what was going on. One person brought a discharged shotgun shell and a shotgun shell that needed to be discharged, another person brought a hungry man dinner because now that I had a girlfriend I will no longer be hungry, and another brought a picture of a damn. I apologize to anyone I didn’t mention but I don’t remember all of them. The final part of the ceremony I was given sunflower seeds and told to take them to all of the women and spread my seed. At which point the girls would take a couple and then I would toss a couple on them.

The night ended with a dance party.

The night was great and I had a blast. If anyone else who was there would like to add their stories in the comments I welcome it because I cannot recall them all.
If you are look for a reason to party on Thursday night throw a 90210 themed party because it will be 9/02/10. Decorate your room like the Peach Pit and dress like your favorite character but stick to the original version the new one blows.

****Pictures will come later once someone posts them on FaceBook****

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