Today I am going to start a new feature in my blog. It is called a mailbag. In the following lines of text I will answer questions that have been presented to me by my readers. I will do my best to answer all of the questions and if you do not see them in this mailbag you will see them in a future one. Oh and if you want to send the Baron a question hit me up on my Twitter or by email. So let’s see what’s in the bag and get this thing started.
How do you feel about the real possibility of Toyota winning the NASCAR Winston Cup?
The good news is Toyota will never win a Winston Cup but the bad news is it is possible that they will win a Sprint Cup. However if Toyota does win a Sprint Cup I will feel like I’ve failed as an American. So I’m holding out hope that Denny Hamlin and Kyle Busch don’t win. I’d rather see Jimmie Johnson win a 5th straight Sprint Cup championship then a Toyota driver hoist the trophy.
If you were an appliance what would you be?
This is an interesting question for sure. I would have to say a keggerator because if it was up to me I would always be full of beer.

What is the Baron’s Babe of the Year?
This question is a little tough. This is not so much a lady that would show up on the Baron’s top 5. The qualifications for the Baron’s babe of the year are she has to be relevant in the current calendar year and she has to be hot. So with that in mind I would have to say Erin Andrews. She has made a step up at ESPN. She does the sideline reporting with ESPN’s top broadcast team, she is part of College Game Day, She was in the top 4 on Dancing with the Stars, and she also does the College World Series.
If the Baron was stuck drinking 1 beer and 1 liquor for the rest of his life…what beer and what liquor would he choose?
This is a tough question because I like a lot of different types of beer. I really enjoy Imperial Stouts and enjoy them even more when they are barrel aged. The problem is this beer is not ideal for the summer months when it is hot because it is such a heavy beer. The other problem is most places that make a good imperial stout only make them seasonally. In the summer I like a good Wheat beer. However too many of them and they start to get too sweet. This is why the Bud and Bud Light beers are still very popular. They are not heavy, they get the job done, and they are good all year long. The downside being there is not enough flavors. I would choose Lienenkugel’s Sunset Wheat as my only bear for the rest of my life. The liquor is not as tough because I don’t drink too much liquor but when I do it’s usually Bourbon so now I just need to pick one. I would choose to drink Bowman Brother’s Single barrel bourbon. It is distilled in my home town of Spotsylvania, VA
What was the greatest party you ever attended?
The problem with this question is that I have been to a lot of really good parties. The first one that came to mind though is the Pastel Party that my friends through at their house which was known as the Country Club. The premise was everyone had to wear Pastel colors. The theory was chicks like pastel colors so they will show up to the party. The party was insane and sorostitutes galore showed up. At one point one of the members of the house left the house because in his words, “the party had taken on a life of its own and could not be controlled.” Another resident of the house was deathly ill and before the party wrote his will. In his Will he left me his girlfriend and my friend JD his car. To be honest though this is just one of the few parties I remember from college so it may not be the greatest and only my subconscious will know the true answer to this question.
What are your thoughts on Kim Kardashian dating Cowboys wide receiver Miles Austin?
I think the real question here is what Miles Austin has to say about having Reggie Bush and Ray Jay’s sloppy seconds. What would possess a man to date a chick who is only famous because she made a sex tape with Brandy’s brother? Oh wait, I do know the answer to that but a girl like that do you really need to date her to get goods? Anyway I think for a kid like Miles Austin who came from New Jersey and is now the top receiver for the Cowboys why wouldn’t you date Kim Kardashian, at least it’s not Kourtney.
If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go, who would you go with and why?
I would go to Munich, Germany for Oktoberfest. I would take my Fraternity brothers (you know who you are). I would drink until I blacked out and drink some more. It would be the best month of our lives.
If you could be a color what would you be?
My favorite color is blue but who wants to be blue? Not me that’s who. I would be blaze orange because then everyone would see me even in the woods.
Would you rather…be a country music sensation, NASCAR driver, or Royal Baron? Why?
I’ve always wanted to be a country music sensation and a NASCAR driver. But I think the Royal Baron would be the best…oh wait I am a Baron so I would choose country music sensation because that would also gain me access to NASCAR tracks around the USA. I could also do a music video where we drove stock cars and that would satisfy my need of driving in NASCAR until the next time I need to drive 200mph.
If CvL won the lottery (for shits and giggles say a billion dollars), what are the first 5 things he buys?
I would buy a 2010 Camaro SS, a beach house in the Outer Banks of North Carolina, I would buy the Philadelphia Eagles and finally bring a Super Bowl Championship to Philadelphia, I would buy a Chevy Silverado 2500 with muddin’ tires and a 6 inch lift, and I would buy a NASCAR team.
What is your favorite value meal at McDonalds?
The #1 is the way to go at McDonalds. Can you go wrong with 2 all beef patties, lettuce, special sauce on a sesame seed bun? No.
The 6 fouls rule in the NBA. Is this necessary? I mean, pass interference in college is 15 yards – in the NFL its SPOT OF THE FOUL. In college basketball its 5 fouls…why the 6th foul for the “pro” athlete.
The real reasons for the extra foul and Stern will never admit this is “pro” athletes make too much money to not be playing. Fans pay to go see the stars play for their team. If that star fouls out of the game fans feel cheated. This is why there is an extra foul in the NBA.

-Braylon Edwards
Braylon when you were wearing the 1 jersey for the University of Michigan I loved watching you pulled down passes and score touchdowns. However what were you thinking going out and drinking with a guy who just over a year ago killed someone while drinking and driving? Then you thought it would be a good idea to get behind the wheel of a car drunk in a city that has more cabs than any other city in the country. Braylon for this you are the Paris Hilton Award for Idiot of the week this year. Plus the beard was cool but do you have tweet and hash tag #thebeard. The sad part is you are late to the game because Jayson Werth was already called the Beard. So get it together and represent the University of Michigan proudly and stop doing stupid things like drinking and driving. The worst part about this was how good I felt after you scored that touchdown against the Patriots on Sunday and then jumped up and did the Dougie. All that good faith is gone.
The Baron’s “Pass List.” Meaning, who are the top 5 ladies the Baron has a “pass” to RNI whether in a relationship or not if they came knockin’ on the Baron’s door.

1) Jessica Biel
2) Mila Kunis
3) Eva Mendes
4) Megan Fox
5) Allyson Hannigan
Where do babies come from?
Hold one…
Most attractive male friend?
~ Spencer
Wait for it?
Do you choose beer?
~S Money
Yep these are my readers/friends.
Here are the Baron’s College football Picks for Week 4.
NC State over Georgia Tech
Virginia Tech over Boston College
Arkansas over Alabama
Stanford over Notre Dame
South Carolina over Auburn
Kentucky over Florida
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