It’s that time of the year when life gets pretty busy so I apologize for not writing as frequently. After the New Year I hope to write more regularly as long as I can come up with worthwhile topics. Most of you may read this today at work since anyone who actually went to work today is finding creative ways to slack off. The rest of you are off or getting let out early so enjoy this on Friday if you have to go to work.
Thanksgiving should be a two day holiday. Having a holiday on a Thursday doesn’t make any sense. Especially when so many people travel workers are forced to take an extra personal day to get the four day weekend. I guess I can’t complain I get holidays like Columbus Day, Presidents Day, and MLK Day off of work. But seriously I would trade Martin Luther King Day for Black Friday. MLK Day already falls in between a ton of other holidays. Plus having the 2-day Thanksgiving Holiday lets you get over the food coma from Thursday. So since we are all thinking about what we will be eating tomorrow what are the best dishes on Thanksgiving (not desserts)?
1) Stuffing – I can’t think of a way this can go wrong. Stuffing is great plus it’s a meal that makes croutons desirable. Whether it’s cooked in the turkey or outside the turkey its always delicious.
2) Sweet Potato Casserole – I must admit was not a fan of this when my mom made candied yams. (Which is basically the same thing). I also don’t like the additions to the candied yams like marshmallows and pecans. However a friend of mine makes an amazing sweet potato casserole without those things and I look forward to it every year…because I talked my mom into making it too. Although old habits die hard and the first year she added marshmallows to the recipe. I kindly explained to her that it wasn’t necessary because she would only ruin a good thing.
3) Cranberry Sauce – NOT CRANBERRY SALAD. The sauce I am talking about is the Ocean Spray jello like stuff in the can. Yes I am putting a non-homemade dish on my list. But that should only explain how good this stuff is to eat.
4) White House Rolls – If you have ever shopped at a Ukrop’s you have eaten these. Ukrop’s RIP. The store closed in Fredericksburg but I hear the rolls live on in Richmond. A good roll is the key to a good meal especially if you make Thanksgiving meal sandwiches with them.
5) Mashed Potatoes – These used to be much higher on the list for me but there is so much good food. My mom makes them thick and chunky…mmmm.
6) Turkey – I’m just not a fan. Plus my brother used to smoke a goose every year and I thought that was a better bird.
All other sides might as well not touch the table because these are the foods I care about on Thanksgiving Day. The best part is the next two days coming up with new ways to cook these dishes so you don’t have the same meal every day. My mom makes a great turkey casserole which takes care of a lot of the leftover turkey. A turkey bowl is also good. I am pretty sure this is where KFC got the idea for their potato and chicken bowls. All you do is take some turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, rolls, and some cheese and gravy then place it all in a bowl mix and heat up.
Now on one of the Podcasts I listen to they were discussing the top 5 pies of 2010. The podcast is the Daves of Thunder. Damashek was listing off his pies and the more he named the more the rest of the show members and myself thought this man has lost it. I don’t know how you have a top 5 pie list and leave Apple off of it. So here are The Baron’s Top 5 pies.
1) Apple – Nothing says American like a slice of Apple Pie and a scoop of Vanilla Ice Cream.
2) Blueberry – This is a personal favorite I just love blueberries.
3) Pumpkin – I wish it was easier to find Pumpkin Pie outside of Thanksgiving and Christmas. Oh and for all of those who say Sweet Potato Pie is better I say GOOD DAY.
4) Pecan – Not one of the Baron’s Favorites but you cannot deny popular demand. I just don’t like Pecans, but the pie is still good enough that I can get past that.
5) Peach – I had some over the weekend and it was amazing.
Have a Happy Thanksgiving everyone and enjoy your time with family and friends, enjoy the food, and hopefully enjoy the football.
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