As the second season of the Jersey Shore has come to an end it is time for the Jersey Shore Awards to be handed out. A lot happened this season and too bad it wasn’t really at the Shore. This season took place in Miami because the Shore didn’t want The Situation and his many situations back. Thankfully the cast will be back for Season 3 airing in January on MTV. The whole cast returned for season 2 which was shocking since Angelina didn’t even make it that long on season 1 but the producers sure did know what they were doing. Angelina brought with her a hurricane full of drama. So let’s get this thing started.
Manager of the Year: (Awarded to the cast member who successfully managed a difficult situation.)
The three nominees for this award are Angelina, Ronnie, and The Situation.
Angelina – For most of the season she kept herself out of trouble even though she was at the root of most of the drama. It was surprising to me how long she lasted before people turned on her. The key to her success was having Pauly D and Mike on her side. Once she betrayed them which started when she open hand slapped Pauly twice one night you know her time in Miami was short lived. Had she lasted the whole season she might have won this award.
The Situation – Mike is nominated for successfully handling one of his many situations. Pauly and Mike brought two girls back to the house when two more showed up. Mike put one girl in the Smush room, one girl to bed, Pauly took his girl, and they handed one off to Vinny. One chick passed out and three were satisfied not a bad night at the Jersey Shore house for the guys.
Ronnie – The winner of this award hands down. Ronnie successfully managed the situation of having his ex in the house while hooking up with girls at the club. After the club Ronnie would come back to the house and hook up with Sammi. This went on for nights until JWOWW and Snooki wrote a note to tell Sammi of Ronnie’s wild nights. Somehow Sammi gets pissed at Snooki and JWOWW and Ronnie gets away with everything. I still don’t know how this man pulled it off, but I applaud him.
Cy Young Award: (Awarded to the cast member that struck out the most.)
The two nominees for this award are Vinny and The Situation.
Vinny – Vinny really only struck out with one girl. She was a fairly hot model that stood him up once. As we later learned when he finally took her out she is just insanely late all the time. He went on a couple successful dates with this girl and for that will not be winning the Cy Young.
The Situation – Mike gets this award for not just striking out himself which we saw a lot of but also for causing his roommates to strike out. On at least two occasions when he couldn’t close the deal he caused Pauly to not get any. One thing the Situation has that all great Pitchers have is a short memory because he was never afraid to get back on the mound. The clinching moment for this award was when the Situation was shut down by Snooki.
Best Nicknames
Joey Yanks and J420 –These guys were never on the show but were probably talked about by fans more than anybody that was actually on season 2.
Best Fight
The nominees are Sammi vs. JWOWW, Angelina vs. The Situation, and Snooki vs. Angelina.
Angelina vs. The Situation – This fight was more one sided. Mike spent a lot of time talking trash to Angelina and finally Angelina smacked The Situation. It was a lot of build up but no real pay off. Obviously Mike wasn’t going to hit a girl.
Snooki vs. Angelina – It was really hard not to give this the award. It was by far the longest of the fights. It involved the most hated person in the house and possibly the most likable girl in the house. I can’t think of any sane person who might have been rooting for Angelina. The added commentary by Ronnie doing his Michael Buffer impersonation was great too. The only problem was that if the judges had to make an honest decision Angelina probably won the fight. Snooki was like a bull though when she was charging at Angelina with her head down. She definitly had the will to keep fighting if she would've been allowed to go on.
Sammi vs. JWOWW – This fight pitted the two biggest divas in the house against each other and that’s not the only reason it wins the award. The best part of the fight is that I still don’t know why Sammi was so pissed at JWOWW. I have a theory that JWOWW’s future career is in Pro Wrestling and when she had Sammi on the ground fighting to get up I thought this fight was over. Then out of nowhere Sammi is on her feet and JWOWW is in the corner when Sammi lands a right hook on JWOWW’s face. Down Goes Frasier! It was over as fast as a Tyson fight, at least before he started biting opponents ears. Two things pushed this fight over the top for me. 1) Out of nowhere Ronnie and Vinny get into it. It spawned a second fight between the biggest and the smallest guys in the house. 2) The trash talk that ensued by Sammi and the way JWOWW seemed to have lost her MOJO.
Best Villain
This award goes to Angelina. Nobody else came close. She was hated by the girls when she moved into the house. By the end of her time in Miami she was hated by the guys. Then the girls tried to make nice with her and she wouldn’t have anything to do with it. The only partial friend she had in the house was Sammi at the end and she is probably runner up to this award. She was called a Dirty Hamster, the Staten Island Dump, the Staten Island Ferry (Everyone gets to ride), Trashbags, and other names I’m not going to mention here. Everyone was glad to see her go. Also I was wondering if a Fossil Watch is really currency for sex in either Miami or Staten Island.
Comeback Player of the Year
There is only one guy this can go to and it’s Vinny. He made some serious off season adjustments. I think he watched season 1 and said to himself, “if I want to last on this show I have to be on camera.” Then he made the changes to his game to get more camera time, even if that was riding on the coat tails of Mike and Pauly. Although Pauly should realize he has a better wing man in Vinny than in Mike. Vinny would more graciously fall on a grenade. Vinny also hooked up with Snooki, Angelina, and Ramona. On top of various other women who found themselves in his bed at the end of the night.
Most Valuable Player
It is fitting that the three nominees for this award also call themselves MVP, Mike, Vinny, and Pauly.
Mike – He started the season strong, but the last few episodes were a definite low point for the Situation. He was striking out with the ladies, the housemates were upset with him, and he was pulling everyone else’s game down with his. When the Ace is slumping the team usually follows, however this season the team wasn’t going to let the Situation drag them down with him.
Vinny – He did some good work this season. As discussed earlier he really came out of his shell. He also made it a little harder for Mike to pull the Robbery on him at the bar.
DJ Pauly D – Last season was all about the Situation, but this season Pauly came running out of the gate and carried that steam all the way to the finish line. He pulled in girls every night. He worked the nice guy routine every time Mike was being a jerk to the ladies and it worked. At the end of an unsuccessful night he could just walk up to two girls and say you’re coming home with us and they would hop in the cab. He successfully got a girl to come over at 5:30am just to hook up.
Best New Terms
In this category we are all winners because we now have terms like:
T-Shirt Time: When it is time to put on your shirt to go to the club.
The shirt before the shirt: This is the shirt you wear while getting ready or relaxing before going to the club. This act precedes T-Shirt Time.
Oh Yeah, Cabs are here: Pauly alerting everyone that the cabs have arrived. He is like a modern day Paul Revere.
Chicken Cutlets: Something that fell out of a girls top while in the hot tub. The guys also passed back and forth like a baseball.
OG: Original Guido, this term was used to describe Vinny’s Uncle Nino.
Land Mine: Uglier than a grenade.
President of the I.F.F.: You can find the definition here. Ronnie is the President. Also view past Presidents at this site.
I hope you enjoyed this season as much as I did. I’m looking forward to Season 3 in January.
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