A couple of years ago one of my Fraternity brothers created an online dating profile for me. He went to a site called OKCupid.com and pulled photos and content from my facebook page. He then sent me a link to the page with the username and password and said I created this account for you since my girlfriend has done such a terrible job finding you a date. Since he clearly had spent a lot of time putting the profile together and didn’t put any bogus information in the profile I decided to give it a try. I went about adding information and answering questions so the site could find women who were more compatible to me and give me a percentage of compatibility. Now that I’ve filled you in on how this all was started I will share some things I learned during the year and a half I was on the site. Basically warning signs that a girl is not who she says she is in her profile so here are 10 things to look for or types of girls to stay away from when you are browsing you compatible matches.
1) All Photos are Group Photos: If this is the case 9 times out of 10 she is always the ugly one or the overweight girl. If she was hot she wouldn’t want to make you guess which girl she was in the picture. The one time it is usually the hot chick, it’s one of those I don’t want you to find my body attractive girls. She wants you to make your judgments based on her profile and not her relatively attractive body.

3) The Head Shot Only Photo Gallery: If she is not willing to show her body, there is a reason. That reason is NEVER because she could be a super model.
Also be weary of any girl who has a combination of all three of these types of photos on her profile.
4) The Divorced Girl: One thing I noticed is a lot of the more attractive girls on these sites are divorced. I would recommend staying away. Seriously if she is under 25 and has already been divorced there is probably an issue. On the other hand if the girl is over 35 and divorced she is DTF in almost all cases.
5) The Single Mother: This one is mostly serious. Tread carefully. If the girl is a single parent she most likely is not DTF. She is also going to be super cautious with anyone she talks too. She is looking not only for a person to date but also an eventual father like figure. This means she wants commitment. If that’s what you are looking for and you are cool with the readymade family then go for it, otherwise you should just keep on browsing.

7) Don’t Message Me I’m Not Interested Girl: Hey again if you don’t need a date or you are not trying to find a date why the hell are you on a dating site. Quit wasting everyone’s time and close your account. Seriously if you have a profile on a dating site guys are going to message you and some of them are bound to drop lame lines. If you don’t like it, delete the message.
8) The I’m Not Sure I’m Ready to Go On a Date Girl: I experienced this one myself. After talking to the girl for a couple of weeks I asked if she wanted to meet up. She said she didn’t know if she should. I’m sitting there thinking then why did you just waste my time. Eventually we did meet up. However she was also the Photo from an angle girl and the soon to be discussed “I love to work out girl.”
9) The I Love to Work Out Girl: Nobody loves to work out and if you did your profile would have you flexing with minimal clothing and descriptions like, “Me with Green Hair.” Or, “Me with Blue hair.” Or, “Me at the gym.” Oh wait that was just one of my Fraternity brothers websites in college. But I imagine anyone who loved to work out would also have a picture of them doing something physical, not an angled head shot or only headshots. Someone who loves to run usually has a picture of them running or after a race. If you enjoy mountain biking there is usually the cliché picture of you next to your bike. But the girl who loves to work out got a gym membership 3 months ago, went twice, and only walked on the treadmill. News flash walking is not working out.
10) The I Don’t Live Anywhere Near You But Think You Are Perfect For Me Girl: This girl just wants to talk. In her head she fantasizes about the day you will meet and fall madly in love. But guess what, I have no effing clue where Richmond, KY is located. If it’s a town that cannot be reached in less than 45 minutes then maybe you shouldn’t message the guy.

I will end with my advice to the ladies that create these profiles. Why lie about who you are on your profile? Do you want the guy to show up and then be wildly disappointed? Wouldn’t it be better to never have the guy message you then to have him treat you like crap on a date because you are not who he thought you were or you don’t look anything like the pictures or you don't actually work out even though you said you did? Save yourself the time and the heartache and be honest. Because I bet every one of you has on their profile that you want a guy who is honest and someone that you can trust, although that might be a lie too.
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