I just finished watching the season finale of season 3 of the Jersey Shore and decided I needed to write the Jersey Shore Awards blog. Season 3 was interesting; it definitely lost a little steam this season. The highlight of the season was the cast returned to Seaside Heights and to their jobs at the Shore Store working for Danny. I think there was too much emphasis on Sam and Ronnie’s relationship. Thankfully Snooki, Pauly D, and Vinny stepped up to carry the show.
Manager of the Year (Awarded to the cast member who successfully managed a difficult situation.)
Sammy - Whether you think she is the Sweetest Bitch you’ll ever meet or the Shadiest Bitch you’ll ever meet she did an amazing job handling Ronnie a they broke up and got back together over and over throughout the season. She was able to get Ronnie to do pretty much anything she wanted because he messed up so bad in Miami. Even after Sammy left and then eventually came back she still had this control over Ronnie. Eventually Sammy lost complete control when the Situation ran into his friend Arvin who was there to meet Sammy. Over the next couple episodes Sam and Ron argued nonstop and broke up and got back together repeatedly. Eventually breaking up, (hopefully) for good on their last day in the shore house.
Vinny - He handled the situation with Snooki having feelings for him the best way any roommate could. I also don't agree that some of the grenades that Vinny was bringing home were less attractive than Snooki. Vinny was right to stay away from Snooki. It will be interesting to see where that friendship goes in the future.
Danny - The owner/manager of the Shore Store. Danny wins because this year he opens positions for celebrities to work in his store. Danny also had to find a way for people who didn't need the money from the Shore store to stay motivated at work. He dealt with Snooki sneaking out of work or to the bathroom to drink beer. He dealt with Mike and Ronnie sleeping on the job. At least Mike had the courtesy to hide in the dressing room instead of sleeping on the counter. But don't think the stakes were as high this year. People were lining up to go into the shore store. Sometimes with the cast would leave you could see where security roped off around the store and would only allow certain people in the store.
Cy Young Award (Awarded to the cast member who struck out the most)
The Situation - I don't think I saw Mike bring more than a couple of women home the whole season. He also didn't pull a robbery this year. I think Mike has gone from Alpha male in the cast to the 3 spot in the lineup. Vinny has come into his own and Pauly was beast already.
Snooki - Snooki throws fastballs all the time, she’s a great closer but if you expect more than an inning from her she loses it. Snooki did hook up a lot but she also was shot down a lot. But is it hard for a girl to hook up when she will throw her cukka at anybody? Snooki wins because we can only assume Mike struck out because it wasn’t shown on screen.
Best Nicknames
This season definitely didn't have a Joey Yanks or a J420. To be honest I would love to give the award to them again. But that would be too easy.
Blast in a Glass - Deana’ self proclaimed nickname.
Ronnie #2 - The name given to Dean because he looked like Ronnie. Ronnie #2 wins because that episode was hilarious and got funnier when Ronnie knew him.
The Meatballs - This is the name that Deana and Snooki gave themselves.
Best Song
Denim, Denim, Denim....Denim, Denim, Denim...(to the Super Mario Brothers theme). When Pauly and Vinny started singing/humming this tune I lost it when I was watching it. I now hope this is stuck in all of your heads like it is in mine.
Best Villain
Tom - JWOWW’s ex boyfriend. He didn't start that way but by the midpoint of the season they broke up. Tom gets the villain award for stealing all of JWOWW’s stuff and he hard drive. At first I didn't know why Jenny was so upset about the hard drive but then I read the reports where Tom was trying to sell photos of her to a tabloid or website. Not cool Tom.
Brett Favre Award for Indecision
Sam and Ronnie - These two win this award because I think they broke up and got back together more times than Brett Favre retired and decided to play another NFL season. Maybe 2010/11 is the year they all decided to hang it up (finally.)
Best Fight
Sammy vs. JWOWW - This fight was carried over from season 2. It got out of the way in the first episode and by the time Tom broke up with Jenny the girls were friends again. I will say that JWOWW took round 2 in this battle.
Sammy vs. Ronnie - This one was interesting because which fight do I choose. They fought in almost every episode. But since I can only choose one I’m choosing the fight that led to Sammy leaving the house. Ronnie picked up Sammy’s bed with her on it. He then spun it around. This was the closest these two every came to a domestic violence claim. This was also the one time the roommates had to intervene to separate the two of them. Sammy still found a way to get a couple of smacks in on Ronnie. It was hard not to give this the award but...
Snooki vs. The Seaside Heights PD - Snooki got crazy drunk one day. She was on the boardwalk and kept asking people where the beach was located. If you know anything about boardwalks and beaches they are always next to each other. To be honest you can lean on the rail of the boardwalk and lookout over the beach. This is actually what hundreds of tourists and fans of the show were doing as Snooki stumbled around on the beach running into the ocean and falling all over the place. Jenny and Deana were constantly chasing after her to get her under control. Eventually the Police stepped in and arrested Snooki for Public Intoxication. She cussed and tangled with them a little but that didn't keep her out of the drunk tank. The lesson she learned according to her was she needed to stop drinking during the day. The funniest part was listening to Deana and Jenny try to figure out what the term was for her arrest. Thankfully they figured it out before talking to Snooki’s dad. I also enjoyed the Free Snooki t-shirts everyone made before picking her up from jail. Snooki wins because her fight was comical and not on the flirting with domestic violence.
Comeback Player of the Year
I decided not to award this to anyone. I think it could have gone to Single Sammy or Single Ronnie but they never stayed single long enough to qualify. Mike is the third candidate for his award next season. Mike has been in a two season slump and that's a bad situation.
Rookie of the Year
After watching the last episode I almost decided not to award this because what Deana did to Vinny was not right. But she showed up and was the energy that carried the first half of the season. She also was a blast in a glass most of the time.
Prank of the Year
This cast loves to prank each other but the best one was by far when Mike sent Deana and Snooki to Central Park in New York. Only these two girls wouldn’t know they went a couple of hours out of their way to go to Jenkins.
This season there were two clear candidates. Vinny and Pauly D.
Pauly D - He brings it every season. He always knows how to cool down a hot situation and is usually the life of the party. He also brings back the hottest women.
Vinny - He has come so far since season one. This year he held it down though. He had girls pretty much every night. He also had Uncles barging into the house for their nieces like some type of mafia member.
I’m still pretty torn as to who should win this award. I don't think either of them would have been as enjoyable without the other. But I think Pauly would've been the better off if Vinny wasn't there so Pauly wins it fr the second year in a row. But Vinny is gaining ground each year.
Best New Terms
I tried to remember some of the terms they were throwing around this season. The only one I could remember was the grenade whistle. It's a vuvezela that is blown whenever there are grenades in the house. If you hear it you need to look around and make sure that you are not the one with the grenade.
That is all I have for Season 3. I hope you enjoyed the return to Seaside as much as I did. I can't wait to see what happens in Italy next season.